Adam's girlfriend Belle is an omnipotent, callous, cruel goddess, torturing and killing others while only caring only for him. But that's not the reason their relationship starts to deteriorate...
In the distant future where humanity has colonized space, middle aged Elenyi, in a job that has been obsoleted, finds herself on the final job she will likely ever take before being forced into an idle, unfulfilled retirement. But something remarkable and unexpected happens in their FTL journey that will redefine the dead end trajectory of her life...
Hannah undergoes a shady experimental operation that ends up being an overwhelming success. But she isn't aware that she's already had it done before...
Leila Leland is one of the first terrifyingly powerful paranaturals to be born from the initial Shard-Strikes. And humanity's fear calls for the registration and persecution of all such peoples...
Powerfully built Olivia is a lucky recipient and survivor of the Shard Strikes with a highly coveted power: the ability to nullify the powers of others. But the Shard Strike has left a deep trauma within her...